Why us?

This summer Vytautas Magnus University is hosting the Baltic Summer University. We offer a variety of courses to boost your professional skills, learn some Lithuanian and other languages, experience different cultures and meet new people. Just have a look at what we have to offer.

Why the Baltics

The time has come for you to discover the hidden gems from the Baltic shores – Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia! Read more

Why Lithuania

Lithuania is the southernmost of the three Baltic states – and the largest and most populous of them. Read more

Why Kaunas

Kaunas is at the heart of Lithuania and has historically been a leading centre of country’s economic, academic, and cultural life. Read more

About VMU

Vytautas Magnus University is the only higher education institution in the country and one of the few in the region where a wide liberal arts education is imparted. Read more

Social activities

Baltic Summer University has prepared for you a number of different social and cultural activities which are designed to accompany and enhance the academic courses. Read more