Power starts with bioeconomy: from principles to practice
Regular price 200 EUR, students 150 EUR, VMU students 100 EUR. eur
1 week
Social sciences: economics and management
Deadline: 2022 June 1
Assoc. prof. dr. Anastasija Novikova – leader. anastasija.novikova@vdu.lt
Assoc. prof. dr. Anastasija Novikova anastasija.novikova@vdu.lt
Prof. dr. Vilma Atkočiūnienė
Dr. Erika Besusparienė
Assoc. prof. dr. Anastasija Novikova
Assoc. prof. dr. Rasa Pranskūnienė
People, who are interested in bioeconomy.
Bioeconomy has a great potential to reduce the impact of climate change and contribute to sustainable development goals. Bioeconomy sector focuses on the sustainable use of biological resources in production of goods and services. Therefore, implementation of bioeconomy is a path to sustainability and welfare of the countries. Summer school “Power starts with bioeconomy: from principles to practice” aiming to build a common understanding of bioeconomy, focusing on economic, environmental, and social perspectives. Participants of the summer school will gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of bioeconomy.
Summer school “Power starts with bioeconomy: from principles to practice” aiming to build a common understanding of bioeconomy, focusing on economic, environmental, and social perspectives. Participants of the summer school will gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the field of bioeconomy.
By the end of the course students will be able
to understand:
- The main principles of bioeconomy and issues
- Biologically valuable food supply chains
- The main goals of environmental taxes and links to environmental policy
to apply:
- Knowledge of biologically valuable food supply chains for sustainability of food system
- Management accounting techniques for agribusiness performance
- Knowledge of imposing environmental taxes
- Main principles of bioeconomy and advantages for society
- Development of biologically valuable food supply chains and the local food system in the context of sustainability
- Bioeconomy and tourism challengesꓽ between overtourism and undertourism
- Power of taxes for environmental policy
- Management accounting for agribusiness efficiency